Table 6

Effect of cultivar, cluster thinning, and growing season on yield components of own-rooted grapevines in the Yakima Valley, WA. Note: cluster weight can be calculated by multiplying berries/cluster with berry weight.

Clusters/shoot (prethinning)Clusters/shoot (post-thinning)
    Cabernet Sauvignon1.4 ba2.1 b1.3 b1.3 b1.2 b1.0 b1.7 b0.9 b0.9 b0.9 b
    Riesling1.9 a2.6 a1.7 a1.9 a1.8 a1.7 a2.1 a1.2 a1.5 a1.3 a
    Chenin blancncb1.4 c0.9 c0.8 c0.9 cnc1.1 c0.7 c0.6 c0.6 c
    Early1.62.11.4 a1.4 a1.4 a1.2 b1.4 b0.7 c0.9 b0.9 b
    Late1.62.01.1 b1.4 a1.4 a1.2 b1.5 b0.8 b1.0 b0.8 b
    Control1.72.01.2 ab1.2 b1.2 b1.6 a2.0 a1.2 a1.2 a1.2 a
Berries/clusterBerry weight (g)
aMeans within columns followed by different letters differ significantly at p < 0.05 by Duncan’s new multiple range test.
bnc: data not collected.
cCultivar x thinning interaction; *, **, ***, ns: significant at p < 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, or not significant, respectively.
    Cabernet Sauvignon92 a92 a56 b6359 c0.98 b0.90 c0.84 c0.81 c0.84 b
    Riesling55 b58 c51 b5874 b1.25 a1.12 b1.03 b0.96 b0.93 b
    Chenin blancnc82 b79 a6687 anc1.63 a1.32 a1.33 a1.26 a
    Early72 b80 a6365 ab731.121.221.14 a1.041.03
    Late82 a73 b6466 a741.131.221.03 b1.031.03
    Control68 b79 a5957 b721.101.211.02 b1.030.97