Table 2

Relative resistance of grape rootstocks and scion cultivars to M. xenoplax in glasshouse trials.

CultivarRfa(g−1 root)
aReproductive factor: the ratio of the final nematode population density/initial population density per pot. Rf values <1.0 indicate a high level of resistance.
bPopulation collected in the southern Willamette Valley, OR (OR-SWV). Vines grown in soil infested initially with ~1.0 M. xenoplax g−1 soil. Population densities estimated from a 250-g sample of soil from each pot 32 wk after infesting the soil with nematodes.
cMeans followed by different letters are significantly different according to Fisher’s protected LSD.
Trial 1
    420A Mgt0.1 ac7.0 a
    101-14 Mgt2.3 a320 a
    5C15.4 b2014 ab
    SO418.6 b2076 ab
    5BB Kober20.7 b2054 ab
    Pinot gris21.2 b5555 bc
    Riparia Gloire23.7 b2619 ab
    Riesling34.6 c13252 e
    St. George35.4 c7917 cd
    3309C35.4 c10613 de
    Chardonnay49.6 d11202 e
    Pinot noir52.5 d10969 de
Trial 2
    420A Mgt0.4 a552 a
    110R1.2 a548 a
    101-14 Mgt2.0 a672 a
    Schwarzmann6.9 ab1195 a
    140Ru7.3 ab1286 a
    99R7.9 ab2902 ab
    Pinot noir9.0 ab9074 d
    5BB Kober9.1 ab7259 cd
    8B Teleki13.6 bc3898 abc
    3309C15.0 bc5973 bcd
    Gravesac15.5 bc5973 bcd
    Chardonnay18.4 c7693 d
    1103P20.0 c3069 ab