Inconsistencies have been found in nitrate-nitrogen results obtained by the phenoldisulfonic acid (PDS) and the specific ion electrode methods of analysis with various plant tissues. This study was undertaken to determine if the inherent errors in the phenoldisulfonic acid method produce erratic results in grape petiole tissue analysis.
Leaf petiole samples were taken in two `Thompson Seedless' and one `Muscat Canelli' vineyard at various stages of vine development during the growing season of 1974. Survey samplings were also made in 25 other `Thompson Seedless' vineyards at bloom.
A comparison was made of NO3-N levels as determined by the PDS and the nitrate specific ion electrode procedure. The values obtained by PDS were most often greater than those by the specific ion electrode, particularly at the more critical lower NO3 levels. The potential errors produced by PDS in this study are not found in the specific ion electrode procedure.
- Accepted March 1976.
- Published online January 1976
- Copyright 1976 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture
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