Malic acid in high acid wines was reduced by the use of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. To limit the production of off-flavors and aromas by Schiz. pombe, the yeasts were removed after a partial fermentation, and the wines were reinoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Malic acid was reduced as much as 98% by inoculating with Schiz. pombe. Average reduction of total acidity of all Schiz.-fermented wines was about 33% (range 11-46%). Sensory evaluation revealed that wines produced by partial fermentation with Schiz. pombe were judged of better quality than wines fermented only with that yeast.
- Received July 1978.
- Revision received October 1978.
- Accepted October 1978.
- Published online January 1979
- Copyright 1979 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture
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