Seyval Blanc and Elvira grapes were vinified to dryness at 13°C. The wines were edulcorated with four types of sweeteners: grape juice reserve from which the wines were made (Seyval Blanc and Elvira), Catawba grape juice reserve, granular glucose and liquid invert sugar. Sensory evaluation of the wines by experienced tasters showed that edulcoration improved the overall quality of the wines. Although the judges failed to discriminate between the two types of grape juice reserve (Elvira or Seyval Blanc and Catawba), grape juice reserve was preferred over glucose and invert sugar.
- Received May 1980.
- Revision received August 1980.
- Accepted August 1980.
- Published online January 1980
- Copyright 1980 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture
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