API 20C is a system of identification for clinical yeasts based on 19 assimilation tests in small cupules in a plastic strip. From 72-hour growth responses, profile numbers are assigned and for each profile number a taxonomic identity probability can be ascribed. The probabilities are based on empirically derived data from 8,000 clinical yeast isolates. The API 20C assimilation responses for 72 wine yeasts are consistent with those of conventional tests. Supplementary assimilation and fermentation tests can augment identification but are of limited value until probabilities can be calculated based on much larger numbers of must and wine yeast isolates than are presently available.
- Received December 1979.
- Revision received June 1980.
- Accepted June 1980.
- Published online January 1980
- Copyright 1980 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture
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