Methyl anthranilate and total volatile esters concentrations were determined for two families of grape seedlings which resulted from crosses made at Vineland, Ontario in 1972. Chi-square analysis of the segregation patterns suggested that three dominant complementary genes were involved in the inheritance of methyl anthranilate and two for total volatile esters. High heterosis and broadsense heritability values for both characters suggested dominance. Statistical differences between the families and examination of the ancestries of the parental cultivars allowed the postulation of genotypic formulae for the parents. No correlation was found between methyl anthranilate and volatile esters, or among either of these characters and soluble solids, winter hardiness, or vigor.
- Received May 1981.
- Revision received November 1981.
- Accepted November 1981.
- Published online January 1982
- Copyright 1982 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture
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