Phenology of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne arenaria is influenced by host cultivar-specific penetration and infection processes which reflect host status. The relationships between number of nematodes penetrating or establishing infection sites in roots and physiological time (DD10) was described by logistic functions for eleven grape cultivars. In three root-knot nematoderesistant rootstocks, a few larvae penetrated during the first 50 DD10 and then apparently left the root. Cultivars could be grouped according to their susceptibility to penetration and infection. Susceptible cultivars were Carignane, Barbera, French Colombard, Ruby Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel, and the rootstocks AXR1 and St. George; moderately resistant were Tokay, Thompson Seedless and Perlette; and highly resistant or immune were Dog Ridge, Salt Creek and Harmony.
- Received August 1981.
- Revision received November 1981.
- Accepted November 1981.
- Published online January 1982
- Copyright 1982 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture
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