Efficacy of Ozone against Different Strains of Brettanomyces bruxellensis on Winegrapes Postharvest and Impact on Wine Composition

Data supplements
Supplemental Table 1 Brettanomyces bruxellensis population at the beginning of fermentation.
Supplemental Table 2 Volatile phenol (µg/L) contents in wines.
Supplemental Figure 1 Agarose gel of the products obtained by Rep-using primer GTG5 on Brettanomyces bruxellensis isolates. Lane 1 and 20, 1 Kb ladder (Promega); lane 2, B. bruxellensis B23F; lane 3, B. bruxellensis C4F; lane 5, B. bruxellensis DSM7001; lanes 2 to 6, B. bruxellensis strains isolated from grapes before treatments; lanes 7 to 11, B. bruxellensis strains isolated from grapes after treatment with WOA; lanes 12 to 16, B. bruxellensis strains isolated from grapes after treatment with GOA; lanes 17 to 19, B. bruxellensis strain isolated from grapes after treatment with GOB. WOA: treated with aqueous ozone (5.00 ± 0.25 mg/L) for 6 min; GOA: exposed to gaseous ozone (32 ± 1 µL/L) for 12 hr; GOB: exposed to gaseous ozone (32 ± 1 µL/L) for 24 hr.