Data supplements
Supplemental Table 1 Basic berry chemical composition taken at time of harvest during the 2019 vintage. Values represent the average of three replicates followed by the standard error of the mean (n = 3).
Supplemental Table 2 One-way analysis of variance of the basic chemical composition and viscosity of monovarietal, cofermented, and blended Malbec, Merlot, and Petite Sirah wines. Values represent the mean of three tank replicates followed by the standard error of the mean (n = 3).
Supplemental Table 3 One-way analysis of variance of the phenolic composition of monovarietal, cofermented, and blended Malbec, Merlot, and Petite Sirah wines. Values represent the mean of three tank replicates followed by the standard error of the mean (n = 3). SPP, small polymeric pigments; LPP, large polymeric pigments; TPP, total polymeric pigments.
Supplemental Table 4 r2 values derived from a Pearson type principal component analysis, showing correlation between time parameter factor loadings.
Supplemental Figure 1 Flow diagram of winemaking treatments at the three stages of blending. Blue fill indicates blending of fruit after fruit processing for cofermentation (COF); green indicates blending from monovarietal wines after alcoholic fermentation for post-alcoholic fermentation (PAF); orange indicates blending of monovarietal wines after malolactic fermentation for post-malolactic fermentation (PMLF). An oval indicates a binary blend with an even proportion of two varieties (50/50); a rounded rectangle indicates a tertiary blend with an even proportion of all three varieties (33/33/33); dashed lines indicate blending of fruit; arrows indicate blending using monovarietal wine.
Supplemental Figure 2 Principal component analysis of phenolic chemistry of monovarietal, cofermented, and blended Malbec, Merlot, and Petite Sirah wines (MalPS, Malbec-Petite Sirah; MalMer, Malbec-Merlot; MerPS, Merlot-Petite Sirah; MalMerPS, Malbec-Merlot-Petite Sirah). COF, cofermentation; PAF, post-alcoholic fermentation; PMLF, post-malolactic fermentation; SPP, small polymeric pigments; LPP, large polymeric pigments; TPP, total polymeric pigments.