As of January 2025, AJEV has transitioned to full open access publishing; any content published on or after January 1, 2025 is freely available to everyone. All manuscripts published on or after January 1, 2025 are subject to an Article Processing Charge at the time of acceptance. Please refer to our Open Access Publishing page for specific information.
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
Science Editor: Markus Keller, Washington State University, Prosser
Senior Enology Editor: Susan E. Ebeler, University of California, Davis
Senior Viticulture Editor: Peter Cousins, GALLO, Modesto, CA
Enology Editor: Linda Bisson, University of California, Davis
Viticulture Editor: Matthew W. Fidelibus, University of California, Davis
Impact Factor: 2.2 (Based on 2023 metrics from the Clarivate Journal Citation Reports 2024.)
First published in 1950, the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture (AJEV), is the official journal of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) and is dedicated to scientific research on winemaking and grapegrowing. With new content available on a continuous basis, AJEV publishes full-length research reports, reviews, insights, technical reports, and letters on various aspects of enology and viticulture, including wine chemistry, sensory science, process engineering, wine quality assessments, microbiology, methods development, plant pathogenesis, diseases and pests of grape, rootstock and clonal evaluation, effect of field practices, and grape genetics and breeding. All papers are peer reviewed, and authorship of papers is not limited to members of ASEV. The science editor, along with the viticulture, enology, and associate editors, are drawn from academic and research institutions worldwide and guide the content of the Journal. Each year a committee of ASEV members selects one enology and one viticulture paper for the "best paper" awards, which include $2000 US for the authors of each paper. These papers are free-to-access on the AJEV website.
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture Associate Editors
Submitted manuscripts are assigned by the enology and viticulture editors to one of the associate editors. Please see the Guide for Authors for instructions on submitting manuscripts and the review process. Journal policy is determined by the ASEV Publications Committee and the ASEV Board of Directors.
Eveline Bartowsky
Michela Centinari
Nick K. Dokoozlian |
Brígida Fernández de Simón
Matthew W. Fidelibus
Michelle Moyer |
Stefano Poni Canada
Patricia Skinkis |
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture Staff
AJEV Managing Editor: Raquel Abad,
Publications Coordinator: Ravenstorm M. Labarcon
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 2024 Reviewers
The Journal acknowledges the valuable contributions of the following referees who reviewed papers in 2024. In addition, we extend our appreciation to the many other referees who continue to review papers in development.
Olufemi Alabi |
Samantha Fairbairn |
Cindy Kron
Jennifer Rohrs |
AJEV/ASEV site address: 1724 Picasso Ave, Suite E, Davis, CA 95618 USA
AJEV/ASEV mailing address: PO Box 1855, Davis, CA 95617-1855 USA
Tel: (530) 753-3142; Fax: (530) 753-3318
Office hours are 9am to noon, 1pm to 5pm, Pacific time