PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Apud, Gisselle R. AU - Sampietro, Diego A. AU - Aredes-Fernández, Pedro A. TI - Quinones of <em>Macfadyena cynanchoides</em> for Control of <em>Aspergillus carbonarius</em> and <em>Aspergillus niger</em> in Wine AID - 10.5344/ajev.2021.21010 DP - 2022 Jan 01 TA - American Journal of Enology and Viticulture PG - 67--73 VI - 73 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am J Enol Vitic.2022 Jan 01; 73 AB - Antiochratoxigenic activity (anti-OTA) of dichloromethane extract of Macfadyena cynanchoides stems, its antifungal metabolites (lapachol and 1-hydroxy-4-methyl anthraquinone), and sodium metabisulfite were evaluated alone and in combination for their effect on Aspergillus species at sub-lethal concentrations. Grape juice inoculated with 5 × 103 spores/mL of A. carbonarius or A. niger was supplemented with the extract (2500 to 156.3 µg/mL), the quinones (1250 to 78.1 µg/mL), or sodium metabisulfite (2500 to 156.3 µg/mL). OTA accumulation was measured for the sub-lethal concentrations after incubating in the dark for six days at 15°C. The extract and sodium metabisulfite completely inhibited growth of both fungi at 2500 µg/mL, while lapachol and 1H4MA required 1250 µg/mL. Average OTA biosynthesis declined to 30 to 60% less than the control at extract concentrations of 625 to 1250 μg/mL. Both lapachol and 1H4MA at 625 μg/mL exerted a similar anti-OTA effect, with an average inhibition of 30%. Sodium metabisulfite increased OTA production 60 to 100% at all sub-lethal concentrations. Binary mixtures of extract or lapachol or 1H4MA + sodium metabisulfite, at concentrations of 9.8 + 156.3 µg/mL, 19.5 + 312.5 µg/mL, and 39.1 + 625 µg/mL, completely inhibited OTA production. In addition, the mixture lapachol + sodium metabisulfite (9.8 + 156.3 µg/mL) delayed the time required to complete alcoholic fermentation, but did not reduce Saccharomyces cerevisiae viability or modify physicochemical parameters at the end of fermentation. The mixture sodium metabisulfite + lapachol has potential as an antifungal and anti-OTA agent to reduce the dose of sulfites to control Aspergillus on grapes postharvest.