PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Watanabe, Masazumi AU - Shimazu, Yoshimi AU - Uehara, Mikio TI - Effect of Adenosine-3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate on Botrytized Must Making AID - 10.5344/ajev.1981.32.1.76 DP - 1981 Jan 01 TA - American Journal of Enology and Viticulture PG - 76--79 VI - 32 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am J Enol Vitic.1981 Jan 01; 32 AB - An investigation was done to determine the effect of adenosine nucleotides on the activity of acid phosphatase of Botrytis cinerea cells and the production of glycerol, polysaccharide, and gluconic acid in artificially botrytized musts with high sugar contents. The activity of acid phosphatase responsible for the production of glycerol was noticeably stimulated, and adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) was among the adenosine nucleotides examined. A significant increase of glycerol and a significant decrease of polysaccharide were recognized in the cAMP-added botrytized must with high sugar content in submerged culture. Although gluconic acid content increased as the temperature rose, glycerol production was slightly depressed. Therefore, adding cAMP to artificially botrytized musts with high sugar contents produced amounts of glycerol and gluconic acid large enough and an amount of polysaccharide small enough to make botrytized must of high quality.