RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Physical and Chemical Changes During Ripening of Some Grape Varieties Grown in Basrah JF American Journal of Enology and Viticulture JO Am J Enol Vitic. FD American Society for Enology and Viticulture SP 268 OP 271 DO 10.5344/ajev.1981.32.4.268 VO 32 IS 4 A1 Al-Kaisy, Abdul Monam A1 Sachde, Adil George A1 Ghalib, Husam Ali A1 Hamel, Sinaa Mohamed YR 1981 UL http://www.ajevonline.org/content/32/4/268.abstract AB Several physical and chemical characteristics of 10 grape varieties, 5 each of white and black, grown in the warm humid southern part of Iraq, were investigated.Results showed that size of berries, percent of berries and stem in cluster, total soluble solids (TSS) and total acidity (TA) varied among varieties.Average weight per cluster ranged from 160 to 706 g and average weight of 100 berries ranged from 2.0 to 7.8 g. Juice yield increased as percent solids in berries decreased. As ripening progressed the TSS, TSS/TA ratios and pH increased while TA decreased. The most reliable index for ripening was the TSS/TA ratios.