PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Atallah, Shady S. AU - Gómez, Miguel I. AU - Fuchs, Marc F. AU - Martinson, Timothy E. TI - Economic Impact of Grapevine Leafroll Disease on <em>Vitis vinifera</em> cv. Cabernet franc in Finger Lakes Vineyards of New York AID - 10.5344/ajev.2011.11055 DP - 2012 Mar 01 TA - American Journal of Enology and Viticulture PG - 73--79 VI - 63 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Am. J. Enol. Vitic.2012 Mar 01; 63 AB - Leafroll disease is one of the most important virus diseases of grapevines worldwide. It reduces yields, delays fruit ripening, reduces soluble solids, and increases titratable acidity in fruit juice. This study uses a net present value (NPV) approach over a 25-year lifespan of a vineyard to examine the economic impact of grapevine leafroll disease (GLRD) on Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet franc in Finger Lakes vineyards of New York. It identifies optimal disease control options under several scenarios of disease prevalence, yield reduction, and fruit quality effects. The estimated economic impact of GLRD ranges from approximately $25,000 (for a 30% yield reduction and no grape quality penalty) to $40,000 (for a 50% yield reduction and a 10% penalty for poor fruit quality) per hectare in the absence of any control measure. The per hectare impact of GLRD can be substantially reduced to $3,000–$23,000 through roguing if levels of disease prevalence are moderate (1–25%). With disease prevalence levels greater than 25%, replacing the entire vineyard is the optimal response, yielding economic losses of ~$25,000/ha. Furthermore, the use of vines derived from certified, virus-tested stocks in replant sites is predicted to keep the costs associated with GLRD infection to ~$1,800/ha. No intervention appears to be economically optimal when (1) infection levels are high (&gt;25%), yield reduction is moderate (&lt;30%), and no price penalty is enforced or (2) when GLRD is transmitted through vectors after year 19. These findings are valuable to construct integrated decision matrices for vineyard managers to devise profit-maximizing disease control strategies and to create incentives for extended uses of clean, virus-tested planting material.