Table 6

Chromatic characteristics of the studied wines after 15 days of maceration and at the end of alcoholic fermentation and malolactic fermentation.

TPwineaTannins (mg/L)CITintY (%)R (%)B (%)AacetA20ASO2CA (%)FA (%)PA (%)
aAbbreviations: TPwine: total phenols; CI: color intensity; %Y, %R, %B: percentages of yellow, red, and blue color, respectively, Aacet: absorbance at 520 nm after addition of acetaldehyde; A20: absorbance at 520 nm after a 20-fold dilution; ASO2: absorbance at 520 nm after addition of SO2; CA: fraction of color due to copigmentation; FA: fraction of color due to free anthocyanins; PA: fraction of color due to polymeric pigment.
bDifferent letters within the same column indicate significant differences according to LSD (p < 0.05).
After 15 days of maceration
    C. Sauvignon84.7d848.8e21.4c0.46b28.2b61.2c10.5c14.8c8.2d2.4c42b42a17c
End of alcoholic fermentation
    C. Sauvignon85.49d880.8e19.1c0.50b29.9c59.2c10.9c15.7d10.4d3.3d34c45a21d
End of malolactic fermentation
    C. Sauvignon82.1d757.1c17.3b0.62a32.9b54.0b13.1b10.6c8.2c3.5c23c44ab33ab