Table 3

Effect of vine defoliation in the previous season on budburst, final shoot growth parameters, vine balance, and capacity (1998/1999).

Defoliation (weeks postbloom)
4 wk8 wk12 wkdefol.signifa
a**, ***, and ns indicate significance at p ≤ 0.01, 0.001, and not significant, respectively.
bMeans within the same row with the same letter are not significantly different at LSD p ≤ 0.05.
Budburst (%)81.891.785.687.9ns
Cane number/vine22252324ns
Cane length (cm)150152159171ns
Node number/cane22232022ns
Cane fresh wt (g)63.3cb68.3c89.2b105.8a***
Cane diameter at 8th internode (mm)7.35c7.80c8.47b9.60a***
Pruning fresh wt (kg/vine)1.40c1.60c1.97b2.49a***
Yield to pruning weight ratio (Ravaz index)1.3b2.0a2.1a2.4a**
Vine capacity (kg)1.23d1.67c2.06b2.80a***