Table 4

Vegetative growth components for five Merlot clones planted in Oakville, CA. Clone main effects are averages of five years (1997 to 2001) and year main effects are averages of the five clones.

Vegetative growth
Shoot wt (g)Pruning wt (kg/vine)Yield:pruning wt
aValues followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p < 0.05, using Duncan’s multiple range test.
    FPS 166 ca1.5 d5.7 a
    FPS 373 b1.7 b5.4 ba
    FPS 675 b1.7 b5.3 b
    FPS 884 a1.9 a3.1 c
    FPS 969 c1.6 c5.2 b
    1997621.47.3 a
    19981032.23.1 e
    1999751.94.1 d
    2000691.95.6 b
    2001601.34.7 c
Significance levels